Digital Advertising
In keeping pace with an ever-evolving digital world, AzDA has developed digital offerings, which are especially appealing to companies looking to target earlier-career dentists. For up-to-date stats about the digital platform you’re considering, reach out to
AzDA Mobile App footer ad
Why consider advertising on the mobile app?
AzDA has one of the most robust, user-friendly dental association apps in the entire country. In fact, several other states have contracted with AzDA to build their dental association app. For a report of current statistics, email If there are specific statistics you’d like in that report, please indicate which KPIs you’re looking for.
Exclusivity and Run time:
Only one banner ad is run on the AzDA mobile app at one time.
The footer ad runs for six consecutive months in a row except during the Western Regional Dental Experienceand during the Fall Conference. During these events, typically 2-3 days each, AzDA charges a premium sponsorship fee to advertise on the mobile app, but it is just during these events. Once the events have concluded, the sponsorship and the ad expires, and then the six-month advertiser resumes their ad position. Because this opportunity does not include exposure during WRDE or Fall Conference, the pricing has been notably reduced.
Specs & details:
The banner measures 320 pixels wide x 50 pixels high.
RGB; 72 dpi
Unless renewed, the ad automatically expires at the end of 6 months (180 days from when the ad was placed on the AzDA App).
Cost and payments:
$66/month for 6 months; $396. Balance paid upfront
Promotional link in four AzDA’s Email Updates (emails are typically sent on Tues)
Why consider advertising on AzDA’s Email Updates?
Our email marketing updates are sent out to a minimum of 2,000+ AzDA member dentists. Open rates for our emails perform notably better than the standard 20-23% open rate and 2-3% click-through rate. AzDA Email Updates have 45-55% open rate and a 3-5% click-through rate. Unsubscribe and bounce rates are minimum to none.
It’s important to note that some of AzDA’s Email Updates are sent just to 2,000+ member dentists. However, other AzDA Email Updates are sent to all Arizona dentists; we have an email address for over 4,000 dentists. Your promotional link will be seen by a minimum of 2,000+ AzDA member dentists, but depending on the content in the email, it may be sent to as many as over 4,000 Arizona dentists and even 900 AzDA Dental Team members (front office, back office, lab).
See what the link looks like
Scroll down to the "Other News" section and see the link marked "promoted."
Exclusivity and Run time:
No more than three paid links at a time. Most of the time, it’s just one sponsored link at a time.
The link runs for four consecutive AzDA Email Updates.
Specs & details:
Up to 25 words in the link.
You’ll specify what website / URL you’ll want visitors to go to when they click your link.
The link is featured in the Other News section.
Cost and payments:
$299. Balance paid upfront
Graphic banner advertisement in four AzDA’s Email Updates (emails are typically sent on Tues)
Why consider advertising on AzDA’s Email Updates?
See notes from the entry above.
Exclusivity and Run time:
No more than two banner ads will appear on AzDA’s Email Updates at a time.
The banner ad runs for four consecutive AzDA Email Updates.
Specs & details:
The dimensions of the ad are 100 pixels high X 575 pixels wide
File formats can include JPG, PNG, or GIF. No animated GIFs, please.
Color space is RGB. 72dpi.
You’ll specify what website / URL you’ll want visitors to go to when they click your banner.
Cost and payments:
$399. Balance paid upfront
Video advertisement in one AzDA’s Email Update (emails are typically sent on Tues)
Why consider advertising on AzDA’s Email Updates?
See notes from the entry above.
Exclusivity and Run time:
Exclusive. Only one video ad will appear on AzDA’s Email Updates at a time.
A video ad runs for one AzDA Email Update.
Specs & details:
Just provide the YouTube or Vimeo link.
Videos/video content will be reviewed by and at the sole discretion of AzDA's editorial board before being included in an email update.
Cost and payments:
$299. Balance paid upfront
Sponsored written content in one of AzDA’s Email Updates
Why consider advertising on AzDA’s Email Updates?
See notes from the entry above.
Exclusivity and Run time:
Exclusive. Only one promoted article per AzDA email update (sent out Tues).
The article, identified as “promoted content” runs for one day.
Specs & details:
- Content can be up to 1,000 words.
- While the content in the feature can include a promotional aspect, the feature must be informative and relevant to dental professionals, rather than content that is strictly sales-focused.
- Content is submitted in MS Word document. Basic formatting, e.g., bold, italic, underline, are permitted.
- Before approval, content is reviewed for credibility, truthfulness, and legality. Any claims in the article must include references. AzDA reserves the right to reject submissions.
- Payment for this promotional opportunity is by credit card only.
- To ensure exclusivity, only one promoted content feature is run per AzDA update (which runs every Tuesday).
- Advertiser/author may run up to two promoted features per month.
- Advertiser/author may include their contact information at the end of the article.
- Advertiser/author may choose on which day their content is featured.
- Featured promotional content is listed directly above the "Other News" section. Click here to see an example.
- Links to the advertiser's/author's website are permitted, along with links that are citing sources in the content. Other links are not permitted.
Cost and payments:
$349. Balance paid upfront via online credit card payment.
Classified Ads: (online at and in print
Why consider advertising in a Classified Ad?AzDA has the largest classified section specifically devoted to dentistry in Arizona. This section is viewed 2x as much as any other webpage on our site. This online classified section boasts one of the most cutting-edge interfaces among all state dental associations. Our online classified section also allows you to add bolding, a background color, and even upload images for a nominal cost.
Exclusivity and Run time:
Classified ads are run on a monthly basis. You can run your ad from 1-12 months. AzDA’s classified ad section does not feature exclusivity.
Classified Ad FAQs | Create your ad |
Cost and payments:
Price per month—AzDA & Dental Team Members
First 30 words $50 (online) $75 (print) $100 (both print and online), additional words $0.45 per word
Price per month—Non-Members of AzDA
First 30 words $100 (online) $150 (print) $200 (both print and online), additional words .90 per word.

Advertising on an Audio Amalgam podcast (15-second spot)
Why consider advertising on an Audio Amalgam podcast?
AzDA’s Audio Amalgam podcast ( is an exclusive member dentist benefit that takes a deeper dive into the current issues, obstacles, and opportunities dentists in Arizona face on a day-to-day basis, including hot button issues, advocacy and new legislation, BODEX and the Dental Practice Act, licensure, business advice, AzDA member benefits, member dentist guest features, Q&As, and even roundtable discussions.
Depending on the topic, podcasts are listened to 25-35 times—up to 500 times.
Exclusivity and Run time:
Exclusive. Only one ad/sponsor per episode.
Ads are not removed from the podcast, so they theoretically have an infinite shelf life.
Specs & details:
- AzDA will notify potential advertisers when a new topic/speaker has been selected. The opportunity to advertise on a podcast is on a first-come; first-served basis.
- Advertisers provide a typed ad script that can fit into a 15-second spot (read at normal speed), which is 30-40 words. Advertisers are asked to provide this script within five business days of expressing their intent to advertise on the podcast.
- The ad script must be approved by the executive director and podcast host before it is run.
- The 15-second spot is run at the host’s discretion: pre-roll or mid-roll.
Cost and payments:
$399. Balance paid upfront.
Banner display ad on AzDA’s website
Why consider a banner display ad?
Over the course of a typical month, the main page of AzDA’s website receives over 5k page views.
The bounce rate for AzDA’s main page averages 46%.
The average time on AzDA’s main web page is almost 1 minute (:58 seconds).
In the past, 3/4 of the traffic that hit the main page of our website was from Arizona.
Click here to see what a banner advertisement looks like. Scroll down the email and you'll see the graphic ad toward the bottom.
Exclusivity and Run time:
Limited to four (4) advertisers at a time.
The banner ad(s) runs for six consecutive months (180 days) on
Specs & details:
There are two different sized banners from which to choose:
A leaderboard long image (728 x 90) that is placed at the top of our main web page. $116/mo. for six months—$696.
A square image (300 x 250) that is placed along the side of the main web page. $66/mo. for six months—$396.
Get both leaderboard and square banner image for just $149/mo. for six months—$894.
File formats can include JPG, PNG, or GIF. No animated GIFs, please.
Color space is RGB. 72dpi.
Cost and payments:
Costs listed in the previous section. Balances are paid upfront.
For a report of current statistics through Google Analytics, email If there are specific statistics you’d like in that report, please indicate which KPIs you’re looking for.