You're welcome to reach out to the AzDA office whenever you need to. We're here for you, but if you were a past AzDA member, keep in mind that you can renew your membership by clicking here (https://azda.org/dues)
Arizona residents / general public
* We do not offer dental treatment or care in our office. We are a dental association that supports Arizona dental professionals—not a dental office. If you need a dentist referral, check out the American Dental Association's Find a Dentist website here to find a dentist near you.
* If you are looking to make a complaint against a dentist, please carefully read our "Can I file a dentist complaint?" web page.
* If you are looking for low-cost dental care, refer to the Arizona Department of Health Services community clinic contact list. Unfortunately, we don't have resources or referrals beyond this list.
The Arizona Dental Association
AzDA’s mission is to provide leadership, resources and advocacy to ensure the success of our members and the promotion of oral health. It has been the voice of dentistry in Arizona since 1909. AzDA’s vision is a strong, successful, quality dental profession in Arizona. They are the media’s, the general public’s and Arizona dental professionals’ trusted resource for all matters related to dentistry and oral health. See more information about us.
Contact Info
AzDA | The Arizona Dental Association
3193 N Drinkwater Blvd
Scottsdale, AZ 85251-6491
480.344.5777 Phone
480.344.1442 Fax
M-F: 8:00am - 4:30pm