AzDA is the best way to make connections in the dental field—especially if you’re going to practice in Arizona. Getting plugged in is easy. We have loads of opportunities to connect with other dental professionals.

Join with AzDA member dentists and volunteer to meet with state representatives at Oral Health Day at the Capitol, or give back by volunteering at one of our dental charity events.
Senior National Signing Day
Whether you are taking time off, continuing your education, or going into practice, the Arizona Dental Association, the American Dental Association and local dental societies ensure you have the support, knowledge and voice to thrive as an oral health champion each day.
AzDA will attend your Annual Vendor Fair to provide you with the opportunity to partake in National Signing Day – your first step towards success as a practicing dentist.
Whether you decide to start your career or begin a residency in Arizona or in another state National Signing Day gives senior dental students the opportunity to convert their student membership into a tripartite membership and continue to enjoy all the benefits of the state, national (ADA) and local chapters of organized dentistry.
Oral Health Day at the State Capitol
How does organized dentistry’s collective voice influence Arizona legislation? How does the legislative process work? What is it like to talk to a State Senator or Representative? What does the Capitol building look like from the inside?
Sign up for AzDA’s Dental Day (held every February at the Arizona Capitol). See the inner workings of legislation (specifically legislation that will affect your industry), develop some contacts with Arizona leaders, partner up with an experienced dentist (great opportunity to ask some “real world” questions), and finally, score some free food.
Give Kids a Smile
Each year thousands of dentists, dental team members and dental students across the country take time from their busy schedules to help children who lack access to dental care get the treatment they need. Here in Arizona, the Arizona Dental Foundation coordinates GKAS events at both ASDOH and Midwestern. If you have the heart to use your talents to help children from low-income families, make sure you step-up and volunteer.
Contribute to Inscriptions: AzDA'S Monthly Publication*
Do you have an idea for a story that would be of interest to Arizona dentists? Maybe you have the gift of writing and you would like to share your thoughts in AzDA's monthly journal. In either case, email AzDA's Managing Editor at managingeditor@azda.org.
PS - if you have any feedback on how we can make Inscriptions more informative or enjoyable to read, drop us a line. Share your thoughts - we'd love to hear from you.
FAQs About Membership
1) Can I apply for membership if I am still in dental school?
A: While you are still in school you will be a member of the American Student Dental Association (ASDA). After graduating, and receiving a license to practice dentistry in Arizona, you are eligible to apply for membership with AzDA/ADA.
2) How do graduating dental school students take advantage of the reduced dues program?
A: After graduating and receiving a license to practice dentistry in Arizona, dentists can apply for membership; however, you’ll also need to be living or practicing a majority of the time in Arizona to be eligible.
You will retain your student membership status at the $5.00 student membership rate for the remainder of the year you’re graduating. The following year (your first full year out of school) your AzDA/ADA membership is FREE! The rate will increase by just 25% of the full dues rate every subsequent year until you have reached a 100% of the full dues rate on your fifth year out of dental school. To qualify for this dues rate benefit you need to keep continuous membership for the full four years. If your membership drops within the four years you would not be able to reinstate it at the reduced dues rate, so please keep your membership current!
3) After graduation, do I automatically become a member of ADA and AzDA?
A: A common misconception by dental students is that they are automatically moved into membership with the ADA, AzDA, and their local component society. This is not the case. Graduates from dental school must complete a membership application before their membership becomes effective. Please fill out and return the ADA Tripartite Membership Application to the AzDA office and once it is processed, and any dues are paid, your membership will be complete.
Resources / Links
What you need to know about taking the Arizona Board Exams
American Student Dental Association
American Dental Association