Advertising in Inscriptions, Read by Arizona Dental Professionals
AzDA members receive up to date information through our monthly journal, Inscriptions, a 32-page, full-color publication. They turn to Inscriptions for news related to dentistry in Arizona, issues and activities from their local dental society, plus exclusive articles and information relating to the latest dental products and the dental community.
Each month, Inscriptions is mailed to more than 2,500 Arizona dentists and is also available in an interactive, user-friendly digital format that allows readers to search, zoom, and even bookmark pages. This new digital format is available to all AzDA member dentists as well as approximately 1,000 dental team members (dental hygienists, dental assistants, laboratory technicians, and dental business staff). Inscriptions also has over 100 additional subscribers across the U.S. and Canada.
How are Inscriptions received by AzDA members? They like it—and they like it even more now. In a survey, 99% of the member respondents indicated Inscriptions has improved over the last two years. Of that group, about 35% indicated the journal has significantly improved.
Compared to many other dental journals available, Inscriptions is unquestionably a very cost-effective way to reach and engage Arizona dental professionals.
Companies can advertise through four different ways:
1) Classified ads.
You can choose to have your ads appear in the print version of Inscriptions, just the digital version of Inscriptions, or both.
Why advertise in AzDA’s classified section?
AzDA has the largest classified section specifically devoted to dentistry in Arizona. This section is viewed 2x as much as any other web page on the AzDA website. This online classified section boasts one of the most cutting-edge interfaces among all state dental associations. Our online classified section also allows you to boost your ad’s visibility by adding bold text, a background color, and additional images for a nominal cost.
Exclusivity and Run time:
Classified ads are run on a monthly basis. You can run your ad from 1-12 months.
Classified Ad FAQs | Create your ad |
Cost and payments:
Price per month—AzDA & Dental Team Members
First 30 words $50 (online) $75 (print) $100 (both print and online), additional words $0.45 per word
Price per month—Non-Members of AzDA
First 30 words $100 (online) $150 (print) $200 (both print and online), additional words .90 per word.
2) Display advertising
Select from a variety of different sized ads as well as standard and premium positions. Get full color for the same price as black and white.
3 Months | 6 Months | 12 Months | |
Center spread (2 interior pages) | $2,109/issue | $2,055/issue | $1,947/issue |
Inside front cover OR Back cover | $1,572/issue | $1,520/issue | $1,417/issue |
Inside back cover | $1,247/issue | $1,195/issue | $1,092/issue |
Full-page interior | $961/issue | $948/issue | $922/issue |
Half-page interior | $745/issue | $732/issue | $706/issue |
Two-thirds page interior | $853/issue | $840/issue | $814/issue |
One-third page interior (vertical or square) | $321/issue | $316/issue | $308/issue |
View Inscriptions Sample | Interested in advertising? |
Display Ad Sizes
Bleed Size: Set your artwork up to 16.75”x 10.875” and add a .125” bleed on all sides; this will make your final file 17”w x 11.125”h
Non-Bleed Size: 15.75”w x 9.875”h
Bleed Size: Set your artwork up to 8.375” w x 10.875”h and add a .125” bleed ONLY on top, bottom, and right, this will make your final file
8.5”w x 11.125”h
Non-Bleed Size: 7.375”w x 9.875”h
Bleed Size: Set your artwork up to 8.375”w x 9.25”h add a 0.125” bleed ONLY on the bottom, right and left; there is no top bleed, this will make your final art file 8.625”w x 9.375”h. There is no non-bleed size available for the back cover advertisement.
7.375”w x 4.75”h
2.2917”w x 9.875”h
4.8333”w X 4.9375”h
4.8333”w X 9.875”h
Do not include crop marks, registration marks or any notations outside of the artwork.
Inscriptions final trim size: 8.375”w x 10.875”h.
Inscriptions is non-commissionable and published by Arizona Dental Association “Arizona’s voice of Dentistry.”

3) Bellybands.
In addition to the cover image, a bellyband is the very first thing a reader sees when looking at a publication. It is impossible to ignore, so it's a prime location to feature your company, new product/service.AzDA's bellyband on Inscriptions measures 4" high by 18.25" long and is affixed to the publication with removable glue dots.
A 3-month commitment is $1,649/issue
A 6-month commitment is $1,499/issue
A 12-month commitment is $1,249/issue
NOTE: pricing may be affected if artwork is swapped out/rotated with new artwork.

4) Tip-in 4.25"high x 6"wide Postcards.
Like bellybands, a tip-in postcard is impossible to ignore. In fact, while perusing the publication, readers naturally flip to the page with the tip-in because it is made of cardstock.Tip-in postcards are double sided and can be affixed to any interior page in Inscriptions, so advertisers often pair them up with a display ad they are running or an article they've had published.
AzDA's tip-in postcards are affixed to the publication with removable glue dots.
A 3-month commitment is $2,149/issue
A 6-month commitment is $1,899/issue
A 12-month commitment is $1,649/issue
NOTE: pricing may be affected if artwork is swapped out/rotated with new artwork.
Artwork Formats and Submission Deadline
Flattened PDF preferred; JPG is accepted. Must be high resolution (300 dpi is recommended).
Submitted ads with lower than 300 dpi resolution may reproduce poorly (look fuzzy or pixelated).
Microsoft Publisher files are not accepted. Search Google for “converting ms publisher to pdf” for guidance.
In order to be considered for publication in the next issue of Inscriptions, advertisers must formally agree to place an ad as well as commit to a specific ad size by the 1st of the month; artwork is due no later than the 12th of the month.
For example, to be considered for publication in the April issue of Inscriptions, advertisers need to formally commit to running an ad (as well as choose a full, half, or third page) by March 1. Additionally, the advertiser’s artwork is due on or before March 12.
Artwork submitted after the 12th cutoff date will not be considered for publication in the next month. In this example, if artwork was submitted on the 16th, it would be considered for the May, and not the April issue.
Advertising Guidelines
Inscriptions is a primary source on which AzDA members can rely for news related to dentistry in Arizona, local and national issues and activities, exclusive articles and information relating to colleagues and the dental community.
All views expressed are not to be regarded as the views of AzDA. AzDA does not assume liability for contents of advertisements, nor do advertisements constitute endorsement of products or services.
AzDA reserves the right to refuse or cancel any advertisement at any time. Inscriptions is a benefit of AzDA membership, included in annual dues.
Advertisements must conform with the Dental Practice Act, Laws of Arizona and the United States of America. Advertisements must conform with the Bylaws and Code of Ethics of the Arizona Dental Association and the American Dental Association. Advertisements must not be discriminatory on the basis of age, sex, religion or race.
Specific policies, including rates, will be determined by the Editorial Board acting on the recommendation of the Executive Director. The journal reserves the right to reject or discontinue any advertisement at its sole discretion. As policy the journal does not accept advertising of any product classified by the Council on Dental Therapeutics of the American Dental Association as unacceptable.
The Arizona Dental Association does not assume responsibility for promotions, advertising claims or guarantees made by contributors. The advertiser agrees to indemnify, protect and hold harmless the publisher from any claims or expense resulting from the advertiser’s unauthorized use of any name, photograph, sketch or words protected by copyright or registered trademark.
Advertising which simulates editorial material must carry the word “ADVERTISEMENT” at the top. The publisher is not liable for delays in delivery and/or nondelivery in the event of an Act of God, action by any governmental or quasi-governmental agency, fire, flood, insurrection, riot, explosion, embargo, strikes, whether legal or illegal, labor or material shortage, work slowdown, editorial or production
delays, or any condition affecting production or delivery in any manner. If a mistake in advertising occurs (including, but not limited to, omission, copy error, or size error) and is the fault of the publisher, advertiser remedies will be limited to one of the following: (1) cancellation or reduction of production charges, (2) “make-good” advertisement in next available issue or (3) full refund. Publisher reserves the right to revise advertising rates at any time upon 30 days notice in writing. All orders and/or agreements are accepted subject to this notice. Publisher reserves the right to cancel any advertisement at any time.
Advertising must be factual, dignified, in good taste and intended to provide useful product and service information. All advertisements submitted for publication are subject to review. Advertisements must not be deceptive or misleading. Products or services eligible for advertising must be germane to the practice of dentistry, or of interest to dentists and/or dental professionals. By submitting advertising copy, advertisers certify that such copy and the advertised product(s) are in accord with applicable government laws and regulations (for example, equal opportunity laws and regulations covering new drug applications and prescription drug advertising). Acceptance of advertising in AzDA publications is not to be construed as a guarantee that the manufacturer has complied with such laws and regulations.
Subletting of advertising space is strictly prohibited.
An advertisement for an educational course is eligible if the course is conducted under the auspices of the ADA and/or AzDA and is recognized by the ADA, AzDA or one of its component dental societies, a national certifying board or national society for one of the specialty areas of dental practice recognized by the ADA, an accredited dental or medical school, or any organization specifically referred to in the Bylaws of the American Dental Association. AzDA reserves the right to decline advertising for any course that involves the teaching or use of a product or technique that conflicts with Association policy, or is the subject of an unfavorable or cautionary report by an agency of the ADA. The advertisement must state which organization is associated with the course and, if applicable, the number of and type of continuing education credits granted on completion of the course. All other eligibility for the advertisement of a course will be determined on a case-by-case basis.