Local Dental Societies

The Arizona Dental Association (AzDA) is one of 53 constituent/territorial societies of the American Dental Association, and represents two out of every three licensed dentists in Arizona. The AzDA is comprised of three components representing different geographical sections of the state: Central Arizona Dental Society, Northern Arizona Dental Society, and Southern Arizona Dental Society.

The AzDA is composed of three Component Societies (dental districts); each has its own officers and elected Trustees who serves on the AzDA Board and various councils.

Not sure what component society you're in? Refer to the map below.

Northern Arizona Dental Society (NADS) Bylaws Dr. David Frausto, President
Central Arizona Dental Society (CADS) Bylaws Website Dr. Diana Batoon, President
Southern Arizona Dental Society (SADS) Bylaws Dr. Su Wen Chang, President
Arizona Dental Association (AzDA) Bylaws Website Dr. Ann Blue, President